Monday, December 3, 2012

Brother's Pizza

OK so there jalapeno poppers are good, their delivery boy sucks, "Nucular" wings are not as hot as I hoped they would be, Gyros (even tho I love Feta) are not that great, the ranch and blue cheese they provide are a 5 out of a 10.  Although I have yet to have their pizzas or burgers, I am not impressed... mostly cuz their gyros.from that, they get a 5 out of 10.

Saturday, October 27, 2012


Bitten is a 2008 low budget ($CAD2,500,000;estimated) vampire film that stars Jason Mewes, as a paramedic who rescues Danika, a female vampire, from an alley way.  Jack, a paramedic, is frustrated with his life after he breaks up with his girlfriend. He discovers a girl (Danika) in an alley way covered in blood, clinging to life. Jack takes Danika in and soon discovers that she is a vampire.  Directed by Harv Glazer, Produced by Robert Wilson, Written by Tim McGregor and Tyler Levine.  I believe the first time I watched this film was in 2010.  I like this movie, it's dark, kind of honest, with a thrilling attitude.  Simon Shohet did the Cinematography and I hope I'm able to see more of his work. 
    Jason Mewes has done so many movies with Kevin Smith that he is known as Jay.  In this movie he is almost completely different.  Erica Cox who you may know from playing Opera Audience Member #2 in  Repo! The Genetic Opera or a few episodes as 'Drunk Chick' in the television show  The Business, plays Danika.  Her acting in this is I'd say a 5 out of 10, which for a low budget film is fine. 
    I liked the ending to this the most.  Threw out the film their are several gags such as a montage using a Barnie song played while Jack cleans up a dead body, that make this a very entertaining movie.  The acceptance with Danika by Jack, is lovable.  If I was in his position, I'd probably act the same way.  This movie is an example of what I think vampires should be.  Not that twilight crap.  No I don't think vampires should turn into bats... Just Dracula.  I love the scene ware Jack's all like "My new bitch is wearin' your cloths! My new bitch is rockin' your CDs,". 
    If I was going to make a vampire movie, one idea would be to make a movie just like this, just to get more people to watch this one. 

Friday, October 26, 2012

The Curve

The Curve.  A 1998 thriller starring Matthew Lillard, Keri Russell and Michael Vartan.  I love this movie, Mathew Lillard is one of my favoret actors  and have never come across a role that I didn't like him in.  I especially like when he is playing a villain.  He plays the somewhat psycho killer roles very well and this one was no exception.  The story follows Tim, Chris and Rand who are campus roommates. After hearing of a school policy, which says that anyone whose roommate commits suicide gets an automatic 4.0 GPA, Tim and Chris plot to kill Rand and make it look like suicide. After the suicide, Rand's girlfriend Natalie (the roommate of Chris' girlfriend Emma) is distraught and commits suicide as well. The story takes several plot twists as each persons motives come to light and the truth is revealed.  Dan Rosen did a great job writing and directing this film in my opinion.  Actually Dan Rosen and score composer Shark music supervised the film (credited as Pajama Party Productions). Prior to the start of filming, they made a mix tape of music they were considering for the film. Each actor was given the tape as background to their characters. When editor Glen Garland was putting together the first edit of the film he used music from this mix tape as temp. Many of the songs ended up in the final film. 

Thursday, October 25, 2012


Tonight's scary movie gets a short one.

Doghouse is a 2009 British horror comedy and splatter film.  A group of men travels to a remote village in England for a 'boys' weekend'. Upon their arrival, they found out that all the women in the town had been transformed into ravenous man-eaters (literally so).  I did not like this movie and the only thing I lived about this movie is that Stephen Graham is in it.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Snoop Dogg's Hood of Horror

    This next movie is one of my two faverte urban horror movies.  Funny thing both star Snoop Doggy Dogg aka Snoop Dogg aka Snoop Lion.  Hood of Horror (aka Snoop Dogg's Hood of Horror) is a horror film adaptation of a fictional comic book, which is an anthology of three short tales set in an urban milieu in a style reminiscent of Tales From The Crypt and Tales from the Hood. The movie debuted at the 2006 Cannes Film Festival. The American premiere was on October 18, 2006 at Mann's Hollywood and Highland in Los Angeles. It was also the "secret" ninth film screened in the 8 Films to Die For film festival on November 19, 2006. It opened worldwide in theaters on May 4, 2007.  The budget was $5,000,000 (estimated), but the box office gross was $328,000 (USA, opening weekend May 6, 2007).  It features Snoop Dogg him self, Danny Trejo, Diamond Dallas Page, and even Mr. Iron Lung Method Man.    Music wise it is perfectly done using songs from Snoop Dogg, Al Kapone, and C-Ride. 
    The cartoon at the beganing was an exiting opening credits and set the mood of the show very well.  It was also a nice background of Snoop's 3 carictors in this,  Hound of Hell, Devon, and the Narrator. 
    The first story, Crossed Out, Fetures a female tagger named Posie (Daniella Alonso) who is given the power of death by the mysterious Derelict, another Hound Of Hell.  The ending to this story is very creating and not something that I expected the first time I watched this.  I remember seeing it and yelling, "Yo that shit's sit!"... I was the only one in the room. 
    The second storie is The Scumlord.  A white trash bigoted couple, Tex Woods Jr. (Anson Mount) and Tiffany (Brande Roderick) are given the chance at inheritance. Tex's father, Tex Woods Sr. (Chuck Hicks) dies "mysteriously", but in order for them to receive the inheritance, they have to live with some black Vietnam vets (Ernie Hudson, Richard Gant, Tucker Smallwood and L. Kenneth Richardson) that served under Tex's father for a year.  Right off the bat I wanted to kill these two Honkys my damn self.   Let's just say, I enjoyed watching Tex Woods Jr & Tiffany suffer. 
    The last story is Rapsody Askew,  a new rapper named SOD (Pooch Hall) is finally starting to gain recognition and fame. During an awards show after party, he is confronted by Clara (Lin Shaye), a mysterious woman who seemingly stops time (implying she too is a Hound of Hell).  The twist in this story was respectable and was very entertaining. 
    The humer in this movie is what I think I like the most.  I deffinatly recamend this movie. 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Children of the Corn: Genesis

    I have had a few and am writing as I'm watching so sorry is I say things that may not make sence, but if you watch it soon before or after reading this then I'm sure it will be fine.  Tonight I will be doing Children of the Corn: Genesis.  I am a very big Children of the Corn fan from the short story by Stephen King, first published in the March 1977 issue of Penthouse to the big screen.  I will say that Children of the Corn III: Urban Harvest really didn't fit in and Children of the Corn IV: The Gathering & Children of the Corn: Revelation, I'm not the biggest fan of compared to the first Children of the Corn and Children of the Corn II: The Final     Sacrifice.  Anyway this is about Children of the Corn: Genesis, released in 2011, directed by Joel Soisson, and stars Billy Drago and Duane Whitaker. 
    Here we go.  Starting off 20 miles from Gatlin, Nabraska in 1973... A young man comes home from war fing kids playing with corn... No sigh of his mom or dad, or his girlfriend.  Finds his family one by one killed by corn.  Guy having believable flash backs entill falling threw a window and taken to the fields.  That's a pretty good opening.  credits creepy.  two people sitting in the middle of the road, explaining how they are stranded and they go for a walk.  I like kinda too cut to the chase, but I like.  Billy Drago as the Preacher is a good casting call.  He is very good for this role.  Oh yeah Helen take it off slow.  I want a chicken hangin out while I eat.  I know this is stupid, but I am not a fan of Tim Rock's face.  The coming inside joke got a slight chuckle.  30 minutes into this and it's more like a "We god fearing country folk are gonna rape and eat you" kin of movie.  The dream sequence was nice, but 50 min into it and it barley has anything to do with Children of the Corn.  It get's into the real meat of it as soon as Preacher says the man that I love to here, "He who walks behind the rows".  As a whole, they could have token out all the Children of the corn themes, and it could have been a perfectly fine "country folk keep the kid with powers in the shed" kind of movie.  I do love the kid playing with the cars scene.  And the ending did help with another installment of the series.  I give it a 5 out 10.  As A Children of the Corn film, I give it a 2 out of 10.  And will say at least Urban Harvest had something more to do with the basics then this did. 

Monday, October 22, 2012


Creature is a 2011 American horror film, based on a screenplay written by Fred M. Andrews and Tracy Morse. The film is set in the Louisiana Bayou(A place I would love to visit), where a group of friends discover a local legend and are in a fight for their survival.  It even has an actor that I enjoy getting work known as Aaron Hill in it.  In its first weekend in the USA, Creature earned only $327,000 from 1507 venues. It was the lowest grossing first weekend ever for a film appearing on over 1500 screens, and the second worst per location average ever.  Alot of people seem not to like this movie and I will be writing this review while watching it for the first time.  I have had a few and am writing as I'm watching so sorry is I say things that may not make since, but if you watch it soon before or after reading this then I'm sure it will be fine..... Here we go.

Alright naked bitch... best way to start a movie, jk.  Seems like its a basic bunch of teens or collage kids get lost, stop at a store, then attacked.  The   Sound Department team and       Camera and Electrical Department team did grate for this being a B-movie.  I guess I'm just still kinda used to them campy 90's b-movies.  It starts off not too creepy seems pretty honest for a movie like this.  The back story and how it was told was pretty well, but Grimley mutating into part Alligator because of eating humans and being insane is just dumb and makes no damn sence.  Get out the wata crazy boy!  Almost get eatin for a half bag of.... damn!  dude looses a hand and dies.  This movie plus my drinking is kinda start to tap into the reptile in me.  Ha ha dude starts freakin out over spiders.  Way to over react  Oscar.  I would love to have a house that looks like that on the outside and exect for maybe 1 room look like exact oposit on the inside.  The man drink as a mother fucker runnin out their fallin over chairs and shit.  That drunk mother fuckers dead now... dumb ass.  Yeah... take them pants off... and shes asleep. DAMN! dude sraight cut that pore snake's head off.  Aaawwww Niles and Emily are cute together, I hope they make it.      Oscar & Karen are nasty... put kinda hot.  HA it get it all now... kinda wired and a bit pregadest, but yeah makes sence.  Exept for the monster part!  Lol dudes name is Chopper and he just chopped his daughter's foot off....  I'm confused again, is her foot a sacrifice of somesort?  Apparently she is.  Oh shit is the monsta gonna fuck her?  Damn!     Niles went gorilla on a nigga.  And Randys dead... I thought the creature was fuckin Karen.  Niles most have been great in the Navy. Fuck is their a grasshopper in her mouth for?  Ok hour and like 19 minutes into this now... kinda confused about all of this now.  What's with what happened to Karen?  How does that help any of this?  So like still very very confused.  Surprising ended, I defiantly didn't think those two would be alive after the mud part.  As for the ending?   Huh? I guess they gotta do the whole their could be more to it and all, but that ending sucked.  As for a movie I give it a 4 out of 10.   

Sunday, October 21, 2012

South Park Spook-Tacular

I started this Scary Movie Marathon with a mixed drink known as Beetlejuice and the first feature is South Park Spook-Tacular!

    Here we have 7 of the scariest episodes from first to the eleventh seasons of the ground braking series South Park.  First we have the seventh episode of season one, "Pinkeye".  The MIR Space Station crashes on top of Kenny the day before Halloween. A fluke accident involving Worcestershire sauce at the morgue turns Kenny into a zombie, causing most of the town to eventually turn into zombies as well.  I am a very big fan of Kenny and this was one of Kenny's best of the first season.  This episode also has a Halloween themed opening that sets the mood nicely.  Cartman's racism hits the first new low in this episode. Cartman's racism hits one of his first lows in this episode as he falls in love with Hitler, then is dressed as a "ghost".  I miss the midget in bikini and the Mrs. Crabtree gags.  "Pinkeye" included the first appearance of Principal Victoria, the principal of South Park Elementary. Her appearance is based on Comedy Central executive Debbie Liebling, who served as a South Park producer at the time of the episode's broadcast.   Kenny is turned into a zombie after a mortician accidentally knocks Worcestershire sauce, a fermented liquid condiment, into his embalming fluid.  Parker and Stone originally planned to have a Dr Pepper fall into the embalming fluid (in a belated response to that product's slogan "Dr Pepper, What's the Worst That Could Happen?"), but it was changed after the soft drink company objected to that use of their product.  And of course this episode features a parody of the Michael Jackson song "Thriller", as well as the music video. 
    Next is Spookyfish, the fifteenth episode of Season Two.  Complete with "Spooky vision" (in response to Streisand's reception to the season one episode "Mecha-Streisand").  Aunt Flo comes to stay, but her goldfish she bought for Stan Marsh turns out to be evil.  I love how Stan's mother is diligent in cleaning up all of the killings because she thinks Stan killed them. 
    The third installment is Korn's Groovy Pirate Ghost Mystery, the tenth episode of Season Three.  It's Halloween and Stan, Kyle, Cartman and Kenny dig up Kyle's dead grandma to scare the 5th Graders(5th Grader Leader, later known as 6th Grader Leader and one of his two 5th grader goons).  Korn comes to town and a mystery involving pirate ghosts begins.  My favorite part of this Episode is the parade between Korn and Scooby-Do.  I also extremely like the end of this episode.  Kenny, despite his bipedal robot war machine "costume", fails to win the costume contest and loses to Wendy Testaburger in her recycled Chewbacca costume from Pinkeye. Soon after his loss lowers the arms of his walker machine in disappointment at losing showing how sad he was that he didn't win.
    The Fourth installment of this is "Something Wall-Mart This Way Comes".  The ninth episode of the eighth season.  In order to save South Park, Stan and Kyle have to find a way to destroy the ever-expanding Wall-Mart superstore while keeping Cartman from stabbing them in the back.  Its title and theme were inspired by the 1983 Disney movie Something Wicked This Way Comes based on the 1962 novel by Ray Bradbury.  Out of the eight Season of South Park, this one wasn't my fave, but this special it's about what I like, it's about South Park's spookiest episodes. 
    Now it is an episode that scared me a little, is the eleventh episode of Season Nine, "Ginger Kids".   Cartman suffers from a mysterious and sudden onset of Gingervitus. Sick and tired of being ridiculed for his red hair, light skin and freckles, he rallies all the ginger kids everywhere to fight against discrimination and rise up and become the master race they are intended to be.  Just so creepy that with the fact that they are very simaler to the kids from the village of the damned combined with Nazi-esque thoughts, we could have to deal with this in real life.  Gingers are creepy and need to stay ware they belong.... Hell.... wait no, I've got a vacation spot their.... Gingers don't go their.  But the end of this episode when Kyle tells Cartman the truth, is vary funny.
    Next is "Hell on Earth 2006", the eleventh episode of Season Ten.  Satan is throwing the biggest Halloween costume party ever and no one will be admitted without a wristband. Satan is busy checking the R.S.V.P. list and deciding what costume to wear to the big event. Every detail must be perfect for the prince of darkness. But even Satan can't foresee everything. Meanwhile, Butters summons Biggie Smalls.  I enjoy the relationship between Butters and Biggie and the Diddy gag.  Still don't understand the Cathlics wanting into the party though. 
    The final episode is "Night of the Living Homeless", the seventh episode of Season Eleven.  An increasing amount of Homeless people in South Park worries it's residents, and the boys decide to solve the problem on their own.  It parodies various zombie movies, in particular George A. Romero's Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead (including its remake), Day of the Dead and Land of the Dead, plus Return of the Living Dead (the homeless repeatedly call "change" instead of "brains").  The gag that Kyle likes homeless skateboard jumping when he doesn't is my favorite gag in this episode, mainly because I do it to people all the time.  I vary much enjoyed the modified version of 2Pac and Dr. Dre's "California Love".
    It has been awhile since I've seen these episodes and it's nice to go back and look at some of my favorite.  Well their you go. 

3rd annual Scary Movie Marathon

I usually have my Scary Movie Marathon on Halloween or closer to it, but because of my schedule and possible plains for Halloween, so I'm having it tonight and starting tonight and every night till the 27th I will be posting my thoughts of this year's Scary Movie Marathon features.

Club 319

I was suposed to post this like 4 or 6 weeks ago so my bad but here you go. 

So the other night me and a couple of cool guys I work with to Club 319.  I thought the name of the place was funny because Detroit is at least 467 miles from where I live.  This place is bar to the right and slots to the left as soon as you go into it.   So I gambled $5 on the slots, and I ended up with $4.55.  That's ok for me.  I'm a 50 50 "luck" when it comes to slots.  We had fun, I hope they did too.  I ran into a couple of other people that I work with.  They had a pool table.  Good thing I was playing doubles, because I either suck or am straight shit when it comes to billiards.  Thar drinks where priced great for me. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Right Now

So My wine project is going well,  I will be get my license somewhat soon then maybe getting a motorcycle license.  My DVD collection has hit 500... that's not that much, but hay it's more then the average guy lol I am loosing weight, working on my fighting styles (At the moment mostly just boxing). I have neglected my card tricks since I have posted, but I will get back into them soon.  talk to u niggas later.  PS fuck a snap back, I stop wearing those when I was 13!

Sheila' Kitchen

A few months ago I disided to go to Sheila' Kitchen.  I have lost the actual post that I was going to do on this, but I found the notes that I took while I was there(Unedited).

Wing Ding ware crisp and juice, but a couple where cold at the same time.... IDK how to react to that.  

Great for the old people

Brick dinner look in the inside

Cheep unseasoned steak.  Great mashed potatoes and gravy

Total was $18

As a whole the experience was not as well as I hoped it would be. 

 I don't recommend the T-Bone steak

I ordered the Chicken wing dings, t-bone with mashed potatoes and green beans

small older style building

a good place to bring a small family to after church if you don't care enough to bring them to a nice place.

Waitresses ware nice and a couple looked good.

Friday, July 27, 2012


So it has been a bit.. Um I have kept with my card tricks, and have come up with the perfect skillet fried chicken breast.  I have watched alot of new shows and movies, ate at a couple of new places, when I have more time I will let you know about it all.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Dub V Pub

The first sentence off there website is...

    "Equal parts sports bar and Mountaineer haven, Dub V Pub combines the best of both into a different kind of neighborhood gathering place, where friends can gather to have a bite, watch the game, root for the Mountaineers, or just grab a beer together in a lively atmosphere."

I agree 100%.  You have to go threw 2 locked doors, I thought for a moment that I was going to go down some steps to watch Doc and Crack fight in The Foundation.  But as soon as I opened the second door, I felt at ease.  It was like relaxation said "I want to make a bar".  Comfortable couches and TVs turned to ESPN everywhere.  The WV flag was displayed beautifully.  The cheapest shot of whiskey cost 3 dollars flat.  It was a Monday night around midnight that I visited this bar.  The 5 person group that was there seemed to get along with the staff wonderfully.  This place is a grate place to go if you are a die heart WVU fan or alumni.  Like most bars in WV they have billiards as well.  The next Backyard Brawl, this place will no doubt be packed wall to wall with everyone agents the Pittsburgh Panthers.  If I went to WVU, I would call this bar home.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

East Moon Asian Restaurant

My friend Ronnie visited a restaurant, and just had to introduce me to it.  The restaurant was East Moon Asian Restaurant.  Nice atmosphere in this quite and elegant restaurant.  It was not busy at all, actually for 90% of our time their, we where the only costumers.  It was not a too long of a wait for our meals.  As appetizers, I ordered their Gyozas which where delirious and he had gotten their crab ragoons witch where wonderful, but not the very best ragoons I have ever had.  The menu selection was large, but for some reason we both ordered the Seafood Curry.  The Seafood Curry, was the best curry I've ever had.  It was spicy but was not over spicy and had such wonderful flavors.  The staff were really sweet.

photo by V3N0M Productions

Friday, May 18, 2012

Random awesome night

Ok so I just got off work, don’t need to go back till overnight.  I heard a band.... I thought it was just a garage band being to loud in my community.  That made me a little unhappy because I cant play my drums after 8:30.  It turns out it was some sort of middle aged party with a live band.  They had beer and food.  Flip cup was everywhere, but sadly because I did not know anyone, I could not play, but I still had fun.  This party although small but spread out, gave me hope that when I'm their age I can still party.  It wasn't as Neanderthal like as a frat party, but it wasn't as sophisticated where I could wear a nice suit and watch as beautiful princess like women dances in circles.  NO it was somewhere in the middle.  Not as great as a party hosted by Kim and Raymond, but still cool.  It was an awesome night. 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Muppets, shaving and Card Tricks

Well the latest film the I watched was The Muppets, they are on DVD and Blu-ray now, so it isn't really as NEW as I would like to tell you.  So before I talk about this film is in the words of Kermit himself, "The difference between a Muppet and a puppet is that Muppets are real".  I would like to point out that technically the only real difference is that Muppets is a performing and copyright version of the greatest puppeting ever, however name one "puppet" (other then the rest of Jim Henson's creations) that is as real as Kermit?  Now this film is like the first Muppet movie, but with another real story line, and cameos that are well more relevant to the people of this generation.  Jason Segel writing and starring in a Muppet movie is like me writing and starring in a Flintstone, Simpsons, Boy Meets World, or Duck Tales movie.....  It just makes sence to get the guy that's obsessed with it, to do it.  Although I feel like it was rushed, I did enjoy it.  And that was the only problem with this film.... that it didn't last long enough.... well that and some of my more favorite Muppets didn't have a bigger role.  I give this film 8 out of 10.  Well other then that, I've started to learn better ways of shaving with a straight razor then just cutting throats and I have learned a few new card tricks.  Yeah a bit of a boring post..... but see you next time.  And remember kill the bugs.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Dirty Dawg Saloon

So last night me and my Brother Ronnie suited up and when to the most redneck bar we could find, Dirty Dawg Saloon.  We where way to over dressed for this bar.  It is a Coyote Style Saloon with a couple of billiard tables, dart boards, and a nice outside set up in the back.  Well being one of the less busier nights, the outside was closed which made the seating limited.  There was only a couple girls working so there was no dancing.  There was however all you can drink draft/rail till 1am.  Except for a very minor altercation with a guy named 'Hollywood', it was a very enjoyable time. 

Monday, April 9, 2012

Growing up... yeah more like My style

So I'm supposed to be 'growing up' So I'm getting my license soon, working on a promotion, thinking about a more realistic future and how it will help my band, I'm working out more because I gained way to much weight over the holidays, and, I am working on my cloths.  I feel like my style of dress is Paisley pattern mixed with Ol' Skool hip hop and a touch of goth/rave.  That's where my clothing style is hanging.  My peek?  Well that’s the same as it always has been(real hip-hop/white kid/upper crust/my own shit).  That's the life of a representative of Poor Man's Class……………………..Yeah that’s not what I started this post for, but I like it so thizzere you gizzo.

Sunday, April 8, 2012


This is one of the most important quotes from one of my favorite TV Shows.  It apply's to me right now... for the most part. 

Generations unfold — father to son, mother to daughter. Where one leaves off, the other follows, destined to repeat each other's mistakes, each other's triumphs. For how do we see the world if not through their lens? The same fears, the same desires? Do we see them as an example to follow, or as a warning of what to avoid? Choosing to live as they have, simply because it's what we know, or driven to create one's own identity? And what happens when we find them to be a disappointment? Can we replace them? Our mothers, our fathers? Or will destiny find a way to drive us back? Back to the familiar comforts of home?

Monday, April 2, 2012

First Real Post

So So The movie Project X was a good movie, very entertaining.  It was very fast moving and inspired me to throw an epic party myself.  I however did not, but hope that one day I will.  I also heard it was somewhat based off of a real event that happened.  The acting was not as terrible as I thought it would be.  The ending was also a good way to finish off this movie.  On March 6, 2012, four days after its release, it was announced that Warner Bros. would pursue a sequel to the film.  A sequel is not needed and I think thare are only doing it because of the $73.4 million box office.  The New York Times called it 'Animal House of the iPhone generation' and I definitely agree.  Although It is not one of my top 10 or even my top 15 movies, it will be in my DVD collection as soon as it comes out.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

The Point

Now that I have gotten my introduction out of the way, I'm going to get to the point of this Blog. 
     First I will be giving updates on my life and experiences.       Second I will be letting you guys know what's new with Wayward End. 
     Third I will lend some advise of mine.  (I may not do as I say, but you should always do what I say and NEVER do what I do) Anything from stupid things to things that one should know. 
     Fourth I will be doing a bit of critic work with movies and restaurants that I will be visiting. 
     And the fifth and last point, to give you guys a look at the person that I am and the man that I am becoming.  Well there you go, can't wait for the next post.

Ladies and Gentleman...

This is my first blog and to start things off, I am not Pockets.  I decided to grow up a bit and was tired of the childish ways of the 'Pockets image'.  If you would like to address me then call me by my actual name or as J.D. Cobb.  If you what something more fun then Cobbstone.