Monday, October 22, 2012


Creature is a 2011 American horror film, based on a screenplay written by Fred M. Andrews and Tracy Morse. The film is set in the Louisiana Bayou(A place I would love to visit), where a group of friends discover a local legend and are in a fight for their survival.  It even has an actor that I enjoy getting work known as Aaron Hill in it.  In its first weekend in the USA, Creature earned only $327,000 from 1507 venues. It was the lowest grossing first weekend ever for a film appearing on over 1500 screens, and the second worst per location average ever.  Alot of people seem not to like this movie and I will be writing this review while watching it for the first time.  I have had a few and am writing as I'm watching so sorry is I say things that may not make since, but if you watch it soon before or after reading this then I'm sure it will be fine..... Here we go.

Alright naked bitch... best way to start a movie, jk.  Seems like its a basic bunch of teens or collage kids get lost, stop at a store, then attacked.  The   Sound Department team and       Camera and Electrical Department team did grate for this being a B-movie.  I guess I'm just still kinda used to them campy 90's b-movies.  It starts off not too creepy seems pretty honest for a movie like this.  The back story and how it was told was pretty well, but Grimley mutating into part Alligator because of eating humans and being insane is just dumb and makes no damn sence.  Get out the wata crazy boy!  Almost get eatin for a half bag of.... damn!  dude looses a hand and dies.  This movie plus my drinking is kinda start to tap into the reptile in me.  Ha ha dude starts freakin out over spiders.  Way to over react  Oscar.  I would love to have a house that looks like that on the outside and exect for maybe 1 room look like exact oposit on the inside.  The man drink as a mother fucker runnin out their fallin over chairs and shit.  That drunk mother fuckers dead now... dumb ass.  Yeah... take them pants off... and shes asleep. DAMN! dude sraight cut that pore snake's head off.  Aaawwww Niles and Emily are cute together, I hope they make it.      Oscar & Karen are nasty... put kinda hot.  HA it get it all now... kinda wired and a bit pregadest, but yeah makes sence.  Exept for the monster part!  Lol dudes name is Chopper and he just chopped his daughter's foot off....  I'm confused again, is her foot a sacrifice of somesort?  Apparently she is.  Oh shit is the monsta gonna fuck her?  Damn!     Niles went gorilla on a nigga.  And Randys dead... I thought the creature was fuckin Karen.  Niles most have been great in the Navy. Fuck is their a grasshopper in her mouth for?  Ok hour and like 19 minutes into this now... kinda confused about all of this now.  What's with what happened to Karen?  How does that help any of this?  So like still very very confused.  Surprising ended, I defiantly didn't think those two would be alive after the mud part.  As for the ending?   Huh? I guess they gotta do the whole their could be more to it and all, but that ending sucked.  As for a movie I give it a 4 out of 10.   

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