Friday, May 18, 2012

Random awesome night

Ok so I just got off work, don’t need to go back till overnight.  I heard a band.... I thought it was just a garage band being to loud in my community.  That made me a little unhappy because I cant play my drums after 8:30.  It turns out it was some sort of middle aged party with a live band.  They had beer and food.  Flip cup was everywhere, but sadly because I did not know anyone, I could not play, but I still had fun.  This party although small but spread out, gave me hope that when I'm their age I can still party.  It wasn't as Neanderthal like as a frat party, but it wasn't as sophisticated where I could wear a nice suit and watch as beautiful princess like women dances in circles.  NO it was somewhere in the middle.  Not as great as a party hosted by Kim and Raymond, but still cool.  It was an awesome night. 

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