Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Muppets, shaving and Card Tricks

Well the latest film the I watched was The Muppets, they are on DVD and Blu-ray now, so it isn't really as NEW as I would like to tell you.  So before I talk about this film is in the words of Kermit himself, "The difference between a Muppet and a puppet is that Muppets are real".  I would like to point out that technically the only real difference is that Muppets is a performing and copyright version of the greatest puppeting ever, however name one "puppet" (other then the rest of Jim Henson's creations) that is as real as Kermit?  Now this film is like the first Muppet movie, but with another real story line, and cameos that are well more relevant to the people of this generation.  Jason Segel writing and starring in a Muppet movie is like me writing and starring in a Flintstone, Simpsons, Boy Meets World, or Duck Tales movie.....  It just makes sence to get the guy that's obsessed with it, to do it.  Although I feel like it was rushed, I did enjoy it.  And that was the only problem with this film.... that it didn't last long enough.... well that and some of my more favorite Muppets didn't have a bigger role.  I give this film 8 out of 10.  Well other then that, I've started to learn better ways of shaving with a straight razor then just cutting throats and I have learned a few new card tricks.  Yeah a bit of a boring post..... but see you next time.  And remember kill the bugs.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Dirty Dawg Saloon

So last night me and my Brother Ronnie suited up and when to the most redneck bar we could find, Dirty Dawg Saloon.  We where way to over dressed for this bar.  It is a Coyote Style Saloon with a couple of billiard tables, dart boards, and a nice outside set up in the back.  Well being one of the less busier nights, the outside was closed which made the seating limited.  There was only a couple girls working so there was no dancing.  There was however all you can drink draft/rail till 1am.  Except for a very minor altercation with a guy named 'Hollywood', it was a very enjoyable time. 

Monday, April 9, 2012

Growing up... yeah more like My style

So I'm supposed to be 'growing up' So I'm getting my license soon, working on a promotion, thinking about a more realistic future and how it will help my band, I'm working out more because I gained way to much weight over the holidays, and, I am working on my cloths.  I feel like my style of dress is Paisley pattern mixed with Ol' Skool hip hop and a touch of goth/rave.  That's where my clothing style is hanging.  My peek?  Well that’s the same as it always has been(real hip-hop/white kid/upper crust/my own shit).  That's the life of a representative of Poor Man's Class……………………..Yeah that’s not what I started this post for, but I like it so thizzere you gizzo.

Sunday, April 8, 2012


This is one of the most important quotes from one of my favorite TV Shows.  It apply's to me right now... for the most part. 

Generations unfold — father to son, mother to daughter. Where one leaves off, the other follows, destined to repeat each other's mistakes, each other's triumphs. For how do we see the world if not through their lens? The same fears, the same desires? Do we see them as an example to follow, or as a warning of what to avoid? Choosing to live as they have, simply because it's what we know, or driven to create one's own identity? And what happens when we find them to be a disappointment? Can we replace them? Our mothers, our fathers? Or will destiny find a way to drive us back? Back to the familiar comforts of home?

Monday, April 2, 2012

First Real Post

So So The movie Project X was a good movie, very entertaining.  It was very fast moving and inspired me to throw an epic party myself.  I however did not, but hope that one day I will.  I also heard it was somewhat based off of a real event that happened.  The acting was not as terrible as I thought it would be.  The ending was also a good way to finish off this movie.  On March 6, 2012, four days after its release, it was announced that Warner Bros. would pursue a sequel to the film.  A sequel is not needed and I think thare are only doing it because of the $73.4 million box office.  The New York Times called it 'Animal House of the iPhone generation' and I definitely agree.  Although It is not one of my top 10 or even my top 15 movies, it will be in my DVD collection as soon as it comes out.