Saturday, March 31, 2012

The Point

Now that I have gotten my introduction out of the way, I'm going to get to the point of this Blog. 
     First I will be giving updates on my life and experiences.       Second I will be letting you guys know what's new with Wayward End. 
     Third I will lend some advise of mine.  (I may not do as I say, but you should always do what I say and NEVER do what I do) Anything from stupid things to things that one should know. 
     Fourth I will be doing a bit of critic work with movies and restaurants that I will be visiting. 
     And the fifth and last point, to give you guys a look at the person that I am and the man that I am becoming.  Well there you go, can't wait for the next post.

Ladies and Gentleman...

This is my first blog and to start things off, I am not Pockets.  I decided to grow up a bit and was tired of the childish ways of the 'Pockets image'.  If you would like to address me then call me by my actual name or as J.D. Cobb.  If you what something more fun then Cobbstone.